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An dieser Stelle sei die Offshore-
Weitere Infos zum Thema Windkraft und Klimaschutz finden Sie auch hier:
Umweltschutzmaßnahmen 2014, Sie werden staunen!
Abschließend sei in diesem Zusammenhang noch ein kleine Narretei der "Hummererhaltungszüchter" auf Helgoland erwähnt: Die haben doch tatsächlich 2014 etwa 3000 kleine Hummer in Blumentöpfen neben den Offshore-
Ein kleines Update, August 2019:
Schon seit vielen Jahren ist es allgemein bekannt, dass Tiere jeglicher Art Felder und Zonen meiden, die permanent elektromagnetischen Strahlungswellen ausgesetzt sind. Dieses Phänomen nennt man auch "Elektrosmog". Erst vor kurzem machten mich verschiedene Fischer, welche in der südlichen Nordsee operieren, darauf aufmerksam, dass mit Inbetriebnahme der Stromtrassen von den Offshore-
Update, Mai 2023:
Da ich schon seit 2020 von den Fischern keine Berichte mehr von Funden toter Exemplare oder der Sichtung lebender Schweinswale gehört habe, muss man wohl davon ausgehen, dass der Rotorenlärm der Offshore-
Update, August 2024:
Die Korruption hat gesiegt! Nur dummerweise wird die UNESCO wohl bald das Label Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer abschrauben. Na ja, wirtschaftliche Interessen sind eben wichtiger. Und es gibt ja schließlich immer noch genügend dumme Touristen, die an die See fahren um dann auf die Rotoren eines Industrieparks zu glotzen!
Offshore wind power -
At this point, offshore wind power should be praised in the highest terms. It is an innovative, clean technology, which does not affect the landscape in any way. Nitschewo! It is also very romantic to gaze at gigantic rotors on the horizon in the setting evening sun of the Wadden Sea. It gives you a delicate feeling of nature and a gentle infrasound tingle creeps down your spine. It makes you want to go to the toilet, it's so beautiful... It is obvious that everything, and I really mean everything, has to be done for this. As well as the famous double-
Environmental protection measures 2014, you will be amazed!
Finally, a small folly of the "lobster conservationists" on Heligoland should be mentioned in this context: they actually released about 3000 small lobsters in flower pots next to the offshore wind turbines near Borkum in 2014. After a diver had noticed, that mussels and other animals were attaching themselves to the concrete pillars (what a miracle!). It is obvious, that lobster biotopes and concrete pedestals are absolutely identical habitats! However, I have become aware of catches of small lobsters from this very area and time period by the North German shrimp-
A little update, August 2019:
It has been common knowledge for many years that animals of all kinds avoid fields and zones, that are permanently exposed to electromagnetic radiation waves. This phenomenon is also called "electrosmog". Only recently, several fishermen operating in the southern North Sea drew my attention to the fact, that with the commissioning of the power lines from the offshore wind turbines to the mainland, the stocks of sole and plaice have collapsed dramatically. Although there are still no reliable scientific findings on this, the cause of the disappearance of the fish is probably all too obvious. Really great: How to endanger fish stocks with climate protection. It really makes sense! Unbearable: Our small coastal fisheries is reprimanded by various bureaucratic and other harassments, while the sacred cow offshore wind power is allowed to do everything... Would the Greens (members of the green party) change this, if they were in charge in Berlin? Probably not. Because they, too, have long since arrived in the already corrupted system... To be honest, I have long since resigned and given up my hopes. Because this corrupt German system does not want and will not solve these problems. And the European Union? For God's sake, save us from this bureaucratic Moloch from Brussels! It is even worse and more insane than anything, what ever came from Berlin. World War II included!
Update, May 2023:
Since I haven't heard any reports from fishermen about finding dead specimens or sightings of live harbour porpoises since 2020, I guess we have to assume that the rotor noise of the offshore turbines has finally driven the harbour porpoises out of the southern North Sea... In the summer of 2020, I found a few vertebral bones at the Red Pile in Nordddeich; and that is also my last find of relics of this species here. Probably now as good as extinct. It should also be noted that the power lines of the offshore plants probably also emit thermal energy into the Wadden Sea. You don't hear anything about this from official sources... So the fauna of the North Sea is being creepingly murdered in the name of environmental protection. My request to the reader of this page: Please do not vote for any more "green" insanity! The fauna of the North Sea will thank us one day!
Update, August 2024:
The corruption celebrates its victory! But the UNESCO will soon remove the lable world heritage wadden sea. Shit! But: Economical interests have to be more important than the protection of the environment. And, furthermore, there will always be enough stupid tourists, which travel to our shore just to watch the rotors of a giant industrial park. Really nice, isn`t ist?